The news was so great it even reached the bowels of my cave. Benazir Bhutto, the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan, was killed today in a shooting/suicide bombing attack. The blood hasn't yet stopped pulsating out of her and people are already blaming Muslims for her killing. They say that we are "radicals" and "extremists" and wanted her dead because of her views. The views she had about the world and the view she showed the world. They say we hated her because she didn't support terror and she didn't cover her face. While it is true that she committed these atrocious crimes and needs to be punished for them, her killing was not done by Muslims. It was done by American pagans.
The Americans hope to cause civil unrest with her killing, making the terrorists look bad in the world's opinion, thereby justifying their occupation of Arab land. I plead with you on behalf of the entire Arab and Muslim community to not be fooled by the infidel propaganda. Please, look at the facts I have mentioned and you will see that I speak only the truth.
The Americans hope to cause civil unrest with her killing, making the terrorists look bad in the world's opinion, thereby justifying their occupation of Arab land. I plead with you on behalf of the entire Arab and Muslim community to not be fooled by the infidel propaganda. Please, look at the facts I have mentioned and you will see that I speak only the truth.
Oh Shahid, you funny guy!! How can the infidels make us terrorists look bad in the eyes of the world? They would kill an innocent female to make us look bad? We kill innocent females all the time, for being raped, for marrying someone not preapproved by her family, for not wearing hijabs.
We already look bad in the eyes of the world. How can anyone make us look worse?
We do kill females for those things, you are right. However, my dear brother, a woman who is raped is not innocent, neither is a woman who marries someone not preapproved by her family, nor a woman who refuses to wear a hijab. They are blaspheming the name of Allah and Mohammed his prophet by their actions.
P.S. Was Bhutto raped? If yes then she needed to be killed in order to preserve the honor and respect of her family's name.
My dear person, there are many men who do not kill a raped woman. Many of those men rape the woman again for such a crime as not killing a raping person to save her life, who will be killed, no doubt, anyway for killing a man.
I was told, that I was raped when I was vey young. I do not remember the occasion and do not know if it is true nor if those telling me wanted me to feel soiled in some way.
So, I should turn this raping incident over to a jidhad? Then, he will kill me?
It sounds like a good idea. I don't like this world and all of the killing: physical, emotional and attempted soulful. I asked my God to just kill me, then, send me to heaven. He has not seen the desire yet.
I suppose there are many women who think as I do, that living in a world so full of hate is wrong, that giving birth to a son or daughter in such a place is near suicide, as the child comes from our bodies.
You may find me and kill me if you wish. But, you will not be saved for it - I will.
O my misguided brothers. Pray reverently that Allah may enlighten you. Bhutto was not a woman, but rather a willing sacrifice to show Allah that Muslims will never subject themselves to the powers of sinful woman.
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