I just returned from a very important mission from which I learned an extremely valuable lesson: Don't outsource. At first it seems that it's worth it because you are saving money, but as I learned today the overall price you pay isn't worth it.
I was stati
oned at an undisclosed area waiting for a Zionist patrol to pass by so I could explode an improvised explosive device (IED). When the time finally came, I lit the fuse but it didn't go off. What happened was that the fuse was outsourced because it was a little cheaper. I have already filed a formal complaint that the fuses aren't functioning properly and we shouldn't use them anymore. Let's wait and see if the democratic process will work here in the cave and my voice will be heard.

if you are outsourcing to indians then i am not surprised ... i used to work in one israeli hitech company that had outsourced development of one of its software modules to bangalore ... the damn thing either did not work at all or worked badly ...
It is not the fuses my brothers. To light them you are using the matches you have stolen from the Americans. They are anti IED fuse lighting matches that easily fool the bad Muslim. Pray that Allah may open yopur eyes.
Djhad Wallah snackbar
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