The Israelis have cut our electricity claiming that it's a punishment for terror acts, but I know that's not true. They did it in an attempt to stop me from blogging to you. They were afraid of what would happen if you would really understand what goes on here in the bowels of the caves. But we managed on getting generators here to get our electricity back on in the caves so we can continue our work.

I made a special generator for my computer which allows me to blog no matter what the Israelis do. For security reasons I cannot show you pictures of the technology we have here, but the picture on the left is of a similar model in use in India today.
There is much which I need to discuss with you, but for now it is enough that I delight you with the personal victory I had over the Israeli Zionist Occupation Forces.

I made a special generator for my computer which allows me to blog no matter what the Israelis do. For security reasons I cannot show you pictures of the technology we have here, but the picture on the left is of a similar model in use in India today.
There is much which I need to discuss with you, but for now it is enough that I delight you with the personal victory I had over the Israeli Zionist Occupation Forces.
I am writing from the bowels of the midwestern US. I use free internet here in my modest apartment. For three day, I have been trying to get online. Finally, I was able. Google is constantly not allowed...too slow? I don't know. But, I back door to my favorite sites.
Thank you for showing some technology in India. I wonder though...I am on the third floor of my building. Why do I have problems on the third floor, and you have no problems in your cave? This is very strange. The signal must be very strong indeed? Do you have a satellite above your cave or something?
Congratulations! To me and to you. May we continue to learn. I hope you see the picture of Bill Clinton and Hillary when they were young hippies.
My brother, electricity, like a bad Muslim, always follows the path of least resistence. The way of Allah must not be prepared by using the ways of the lazy infidel. You must get better fuses and make IED out of that laptop. Only then will Allah forgive your lazieness.
Djhad Wallah snackbar
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