16 September 2008
Islamic Association for Multiple Personality

11 September 2008
Cultural Differences

10 September 2008
A Muslim At Heart

02 September 2008
Where is the Honor?

28 August 2008
Vote for Change!
23 July 2008
Training Video
Many people have sent me emails requesting tips on how to become an effective suicide bomber. Although it is impossible for me to train people in the art of suicide bombing on the internet, this video explains the fundamental principles to suicide bombing. The video was filmed at the Al Q'Utaya training facility. For security reasons I am unable to share any details, such as location and organizational affiliation, of the training camp. Remember, suicide bombing can be a blast but if not done properly it can lead to catastrophic results!
13 May 2008
A Country's Problem - Yahud
06 May 2008
We Need Obama!

28 April 2008
Promo Video
Greetings, friends!
There is a relatively new video which my organization produced to play on Palestinian television. It shows clips of all the activities we do. Starting from little children in kindergarten through adult education. It also shows some footage of the results of our activities.
The promotional video has caused a great influx of applicants for the cause. Watch it and you'll understand why. It shows what a day of my life is like, sort of. Enjoy!
01 April 2008

P.S. This is not an April Fools' joke, this is true!
14 February 2008
I Have Electricity!

I made a special generator for my computer which allows me to blog no matter what the Israelis do. For security reasons I cannot show you pictures of the technology we have here, but the picture on the left is of a similar model in use in India today.
There is much which I need to discuss with you, but for now it is enough that I delight you with the personal victory I had over the Israeli Zionist Occupation Forces.